Soild oak paddle

Soild oak paddle

from £39.99

Oak is a very hard wearing, dense timber known for it's strength and beautiful finish. The extra weight of this timber is noticeable immediately and creates a really intimidating noise on impact. Just a few light taps and your sub will be in a deep headspace fearing what is to come...

Every piece of timber is hand selected for the paddles looking for the most interesting pieces, this combined with the fact every item is hand made by yours truly you can be sure you are getting yourself something special.

We have a few options to choose from as well, starting with the overall style you can choose to have your piece natural or torched. Torching the wood really brings out the detail but there is something to be said for the elegance of hand finished natural timber. Lastly we have the choice of the finish, linseed oil heightens the colours in the timber and works beautifully torched allowing for an eye catching contrast as well crystallising under the surface making the timber even stronger! Bees wax on the other hand leaves the timber it's natural colour and is far more subtle with the added benefit of an amazing scent!

Enjoy <3

Dimensions - 45cm/18" x 10cm/4" x 2cm/0.75"

Weight - 500g

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